Friday, December 16, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #117

January 6, 2006 - Bob
Las Vegas, NV
Though I appreciate Dr. Sawchuck’s concern, I am put off by one of his comments, in particular: 
“Based on what is known about Parkinson's disease (and we certainly don't know everything but do know quite a bit)...”
That statement is logically bankrupt. How can one claim to know any quantitative amount of a thing while at the same time acknowledging he doesn’t know everything? It’s akin to the six blind men touching different parts of the elephant and each  missing the fact that what they’re touching is part of the same thing.
I understand only being able to speak knowledgeably about what one knows. But don’t shit on what you don’t know just because you don’t know.
January 7, 2005 - Dad 
Walnut Creek, CA
After attempts to reach the PRP without success I joined an online PRP support group through which I found a practitioner trained by PRP, Lori Gilbert located in Sacramento, CA. I had a conversation with Lori to explain my circumstance. After some discussion and initial resistance she agreed that if I was completely off my medication for at least 10 weeks she would be willing to meet me and evaluate the possibility of treatment. I continued to suffer the effects of coming off Mirapex.
The portrayal that I have seen in the movies of addicts going through withdrawal is accurate. The movie that comes to mind is The French Connection II. Popeye Doyle was in France and the bad guys held him hostage and injected him with heroine over a period of time. Then they left him and he went through the withdrawal/recovery experience.
There is no position of comfort. I felt extremely anxious, like I would jump out of my skin if I could. There was a deep body ache like a bad case of flu. It is very hard to concentrate on anything but the pain. There is also a feeling of claustrophobia which I think goes along with anxiety. Quite different from what Dr Sawchuk predicted.

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