Saturday, December 31, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #128

Well...a rough cut was made, though yours truly was the chief architect/editor. Mike is a great guy and an excellent editor -- his time is just not available right now as he's getting married. In all fairness, doubling his rate would have left him with the same amount, so I can understand where his loyalties may be.

I sloughed through it and REALLY enjoyed what I came out with. I showed it to my mom, dad and Annamaria in the Bay Area and got some excellent feedback. There were some blank looks and questions from time to time, but that’s okay (when I say rough, I mean it; for instance there were whole five-minute long sections with no audio. In my mind, I hear the dialogue, the voiceover, the score and the background in perfect harmony. Mom, dad and Annamaria are left with my descriptions of such things).

I am now recutting and moving forward. Mike may do some work after he gets back from his honeymoon, but that's a solid month away. In the meantime, I'll be adding, subtracting and keeping an eye on upcoming festival possibilities.

We received a fee waiver from the Seattle Film Fest. It takes place in late May/Early June. They need my cut at the end of the week. They said it’s okay if it’s rough. Okay...

Next up on the docket is an A's game in Oakland (for the final scene/denouement) -- this will wrap the movie, so dad can talk about his Parkinson’s, the progression of it and the incredible need to do things when the time is available rather than the ubiquitous "tomorrow". Our wrap-up game was scheduled for April 17th vs. the despised Angels of "Los Angeles/Anaheim" (Booooooooooo...), but, because of the Beverly Hills Film Fest (which Annamaria and I are very happy to be part of with “Luckey Quarter”), we'll be down in L.A..

As a matter of fact, Annamaria and I are loading up the trucks and moving to...well, not Beverly Hills, but Mar Vista (near Venice/West L.A.) at the end of this month. We’ve both lived in L.A. previously (before we knew each other). I have found the Vegas market has simply dried up when it comes to what I’m trying to accomplish film-wise. I need the challenge and the opportunities L.A. has to offer.

As for our wrap-up game for “Boys of Summer”, we’re now looking at May first versus the Mariners. Fingers crossed that all works out. It’s a wonder I don’t have arthritis with all this finger crossing.

After that we’re hoping for a Bay Area friends and family screening at the Parkway Theatre in Oakland. They’ve screened several other films of mine and one of their programmers, Will Viharo, has always been kind to me. I know we'll pack the house.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #127

After visiting Dr. Feng, my Dad took a new approach with a doctor who practices a balance of eastern and western medicine. Following are the notes from that first visit:

March 29, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA

Dr Saputo, Notes

Review Kaiser approach: Medication, Mirapex
Original symptoms: loss of dexterity in left hand, loss of rhythm and  timing. Subsequent loss of facial expression, stamina and strength, driving requires greater concentration, confusion in stressful situations

Review of environmental factors: tear gas in the Army. None others to speak of.

Review diet: very little beef, more chicken, fish, vegetables & rice. Dairy, cheese, ice cream and some milk.

Suggest doing a Western Blot screen for Lyme disease

IV glutathion: David Perlmutter

You can’t be sick if all your cells are healthy

Psycho/spiritual factors
Cell is a microscopic industrial plant with a job of producing energy, hormones and enzymes

Tests will hopefully show what’s wrong and what might be possible to do about the way the illness is progressing

Liver detoxification

Supplements which may slow or stop the progress of PD by neutralizing the free radicals that cause nerve deterioration; i.e.: folic acid, vitamin C, Coenzyme 210 (1200 mg daily).
You might think about doing what is called an intestinal permeability test. What this test measures is the size of the pores in the intestinal tract. If the pores are nice and small, the filter out large amounts of bacteria that shouldn’t get in the body. In fact, it prevents microbes that live in the intestine from getting through to the body. If those pores are too big, which they often are, then big molecules come in and whole bacteria which we call Lipopolysaccharide translocate across the intestine wall and into the body. Not a good scenario.
Because all this material comes in from the gut and goes to the liver before it gets into the blood stream it has to be detoxified. If you already have genetic defects of detoxification, which I’m going to bet you do, that could be enough to tip the balance.
Letting a lot of toxic substances get into your body can aggravate the Parkinson’s disease. It’s a cheap test, about $80. All you do is drink two sugars that your body can’t metabolize and you know the amounts that are there. Neither one of these sugars can be converted to other products, the body doesn’t have the enzymes to do it. One is a very small sugar called manatol, it should be actively transported from the intestinal tract inside the body because small sugars are actively transported so you are able to test the Intestinal tracks ability to bring things from the gut inside the body. 
The second sugar is bigger and it cannot get across the intestinal track unless the pores are too big. You measure it through urine. It gives us a good idea about how to protect your livers toxic load. Nutritional medicine. Nutrition and doctors don’t seem to be in sync. 
Another test is are cell membranes as healthy as they can be? If the cell membranes are unhealthy, then the substances have problem getting across it either in or out of a cell.
That’s bad because you can’t get the nutrients in or the toxins out very well. Look at the kinds of fats – main players. About 10 interest me in somebody who has Parkinson’s. You want the nerve cells and you want to slow down the rate of deterioration to those nerve membranes. You need adequate amounts of glutathyen. I thinks measuring glutathyen is important. It may be the most important antioxidant in your body. It protects against nerve cell degeneration. 
Then heavy metals – another big factor in causing nerve damage.  We want to look at how much lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury is in your body. The test pulls the mercury out of the fat tissues where its stored.  Use a kelating substance. Can be remedied with kelation therapy. Use foods, simple chemicals. Might want to sent you to Richard Gracer who does a lot of this kind of work and get his opinion. These test will give you important clues as to what causes P.D..
I would consider as treatments CoEnzyme210 – 1200 mg per day, three divided doses. Be absolutely sure to take it with a meal.  It will not absorb if you don’t have any fat in your meal, a couple of flax seed oil – l tbsp with breakfast, lunch and dinner to absorb it.
Lyfolic acid – 300 mg 3 times a day. Vitamin C – a lot.  Taking it to bowel tolerance.
A mg of ----- and 800 international units of vitamin E. 
First day tsp every 30 minutes until you get diarrhea then stop and total.  Next day cut dosage by a third.  Great antioxidant.  It’ll pickle you. Divide dosage into 6 equal dosages a day. 
There will be other things depending on the lab tests.
The red light has the potential to help you as well. Infrared.  New one in two weeks.
Extremely powerful.  May have a healing effect – it helps with nerve damage.  Perhaps it will help the rigidity – but keep in mind its coming from the head. Could be acupuncture plus heat light – fascinating.
Half-hour appointment. Send the tests out to specialty labs.  Review some of this information. And decide what might be appropriate to try.  Takes about a month for the tests to come back. 
This is a list of my daily intake of supplements at the maximum dosage when I experienced a loss of taste:

NAC                           500 mg              daily
Folinic Acid                  10 mg               daily
TMG                           750 mg            3 x daily
Vitamin E                     700 mg                2 x daily
L-Carnitine                   250 mg             3 x daily
Vitamin B 12                  500 mcg          2 x daily
Fish oil Capsule          8 x daily
Alpha Lipoic                  300 mg            3 x daily
L-Arginine                    500 mg              daily
CoQ 10                        1200 mg        daily
Metachel                      200 mg            3 x daily
Vitamin C                     12000 mg        daily
Flaxseed Oil                  1000 mg        3 x daily
Custom Amino Acid*       1 tsp             2 x daily
Custom multivitamin  2 tsp             daily
Zinc                           50 mg                daily

*Product of Metabolic Maintenance

Dr Knee bone:

Neural  Terrain              20 drops   3 x daily
Brain Terrain                20 drops   3 x daily
Adrenal Terrain              20 drops   3 x daily

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #126

February 13, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
I had my most difficult night sleep, terrible anxiety in my arms and shoulders. Paulette is not able to drive again today. Because it is Sunday the traffic was not bad. The treatment was moderately painful. My legs feel good. My hands and arms remain quite slow and anxious.
February 14, 2005 - Dad 
Walnut Creek, CA
Another very difficult night trying to sleep. Paulette was unable to drive so I did. I know it sounds redundant but I think today’s treatment was the most painful so far. Edward sold me some herbs that are supposed to help with tension and anxiety.
February 15, 2005 - Dad 
Walnut Creek, CA
I remain sleep challenged. Paulette can’t drive today and I don’t feel up to it so I guess no treatment today. Happy Birthday to Paulette.
February 16, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
I think Dr Feng is a very skilled and passionate acupressure/Chinese medicine provider. If I had experienced any improvement during the treatment might have found a way to continue. But the combination of the pain, the driving (50 miles round trip) and the expense ($50 per visit) along with the lack of progress made it difficult to continue. There is always that thing about "giving up". But DR Feng started by saying I would notice a change/improvement after 10 visits, then 15, then 20. I went 23 times and that was it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #125

February 7, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
I slept for about 7 hours last night. My feet continue to be sore and swollen. Otherwise I feel ok. The treatment seemed like the most painful so far. It is difficult to see progress. I am hopeful.
February 8, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA

I managed to sleep for about 7 hours, waking several times. The treatment was normal in pain. Paulette has the flu or something.
February 9, 2005 - Dad 
Walnut Creek, CA
Another restless night. Paulette continues to feel ill. My 19th treatment seemed like the most painful to date. Driving to and from sessions is getting to be more difficult. Typing these notes is getting to be more difficult. This is a rocky path.
February 10, 2005 - Dad 
Walnut Creek, CA
My feet are swollen and painful and I’ve decided not to go to treatment today.
February 10, 2005 - Bob
Walnut Creek, CA
It’s very, very hard listening to my dad be in this much pain. At the same time, I admire his courage and believe in his path. Just because this method is unknown or untested doesn’t mean that it won’t give him some positive results. The idea of breaking up the blockages on the bottom of his feet (which, in turn, allows his organs to do their work with better flow or “chi”) makes perfect sense to me. 
I enjoy hearing my dad reflect the things Dr. Feng says to him. Many of them are philosophically similar to things I have said to him. Not that what I or Dr. Feng say is “right”, but these are different perspectives than what my dad hears in his regular life. It means the world to me that he’s open to hearing them. 
February 11, 2005 - Dad 
Walnut Creek, CA
It’s a new day. My feet feel better. I had a talk with Bob last night and Paulette this morning and I’m ready to start treatments again. Paulette drove which was a big help. The treatment was painful but manageable.
February 12, 2005 - Dad 
Walnut Creek, CA
Sleep was very difficult last night. I woke up at about 1:30 and watched an old movie, Raging Bull, until 3 a.m. My notes are brief because it is difficult for me to type. It also suits my style. Paulette was ill so I didn’t go for a treatment today.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #124

February 3, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
Today is my 14th day in a row of treatments. Tomorrow Edward will evaluate me to determine progress. That amounts to testing my immune system by pressuring certain areas of my feet. If there is no pain that is the sign of a healthy immune system. Today’s session was the most intense so far. I know I’m going to get a rough one when Edward reminds me before he starts that “you must be brave”. 
February 4, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
Well my evaluation was more like Groundhog Day. Edward said, “Better to come every day”. The treatment continues to be painful and I remain hopeful. The Auters and the Mazzonis [family friends] arrive for a weekend visit tonight.
February 4, 2005 - Mom
Walnut Creek, CA
When Dan started to go off the mirapex I noticed him becoming more anxious, harder to understand, more anxious and unable to sleep.  As he cut down, then went to Dr. Feng, his condition worsened.  The treatments were horrible, painful and I couldn't even go with him after a while. It was too painful to hear him cry out for 20 minutes and then have Dr. Feng tell him he wasn't being brave. I wanted to hit Dr. Feng. Then Dr. Feng wanted me to begin treatments for my cancer. Right!!!!! 
The macrobiotic diet that he put Dan on is very bad for him. Dan is losing weight and looks weaker and weaker.
February 5, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
I slept a bit better last night. Don & Ray went with me to my appointment. Don told Edward about his blood cancer and Edward assured him that he could help. Ray drove home which I appreciated.
February 6, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
Today is Super Bowl Sunday. My feet are very sore. I think I’ll take the day off.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #123

Sleep was restless. Today is my 10th treatment and I have to admit I would like to have more progress to report. The treatment was moderately aggressive. Edward asked me to chart daily before/after treatment how I feel in parts of my body. He said my immune system is not yet functioning properly and that I should come 5 more days in a row. I felt less anxious last evening for the first time in a while.

January 31, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA

Sleep was slightly better last night. I brought my progress chart to the clinic. Edward was enthusiastic about it. He suggested a few changes and referred to it during my treatment. The treatment was the longest and most painful to date. I am having a very difficult time walking because my feet are so sore.

Right now my confidence and hope are at an all time low. I notice very little if any progress, my feet hurt and I find it very difficult to sleep. I’m considering not going in for treatment tomorrow. I noticed when I go home that I could smell the Chinese tea brewing. Loss of the ability to smell is one symptom of PD.

February 1, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA

I was not certain when I got out of bed weather or not I would go for my treatment. I began to feel better so I went and was glad I did. The treatment was painful but I felt better. I got my hair cut on the way home. I hobbled in to Great Clips where the girl/barber took one look at me and without asking charged me the senior rate for 65+ year-olds. For the record, I’m 61.

February 2, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA

Sleep was interrupted by the usual anxiety. Why should I expect any change? Today is Groundhog Day. I would like to get off the Mirapex ASAP but I continue to have fairly strong reactions to my last reduction. The treatment was moderately painful. Harriet was in for her 21st treatment. She continues to have a very difficult time. I’m thankful for the progress I’ve made.

The Pope was in the news today with health problems. I asked Edward if he thought he could help the Pope. He said “no one ask me”.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #122

January 28, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
Did not sleep through the night. I am looking forward to reporting a good night sleep. All of the people at the clinic that I have asked say that their sleep has improved dramatically with treatments. Today the treatment was the most intense yet. I was able to endure it with only a faint cry out. No change in my condition apparent. 
Today Norm and Sandy are in for treatment. Norm remarks again about my improved appearance. Some people distracted Edward with a court order wanting to do an inspection of his property.   
January 29, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
Once again I had a restless night. Today is my 9th straight day of treatments and I am trying to measure my progress. It is difficult because I have cut my use of Mirapex by 1/3 since starting treatments. My anxious feeling and tension in my shoulders, arms and legs confuse the results. Today’s treatment was the most painful so far. It is difficult to walk because my feet hurt so much. 
Diane introduced me to her husband, Larry who has been successfully treated by Edward. Each day I find it easier to stick to my diet. 
I received an e-mail from the PRP today:
Dear Dan,
Thank you for your inquiry.  My sincerest apologies for the delay.  I accidentally placed your e-mail in the “already answered” file, and just noticed the error. 
Before we set an appointment for you, please complete the attached “Prospective Patient Questionnaire” and e-mail it back to me at your convenience.  
Thank you,
I think I will wait until I am completely off medication before I fill out the questionnaire.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #121

January 25, 2005 - Dad 
Walnut Creek, CA
I slept better last night. My legs feel heavy today. I think I started my exercises too aggressively. I’ll cut back to one set for a while. 
I met Diane at the clinic today. She is one of the friends of Monica Cooke whose story got me interested in Edward. She has been seeing him for over a year. She had a form of eye cancer and was scheduled for surgery on both hips. She was not able to walk a single city block. Today her eye cancer is gone and she walks without pain. A mile walk is no problem. She never had any surgery. 
I saw Norm for the first time in a few days and he said he noticed improvements in my voice, walk and appearance. The treatment was more vigorous and painful today but I was able to accept it with out resisting. Edward was telling Norm that if he wanted to improve his results he should cut his food intake in half. He says that fasting is good way toward health. When the body has more food than it needs it can support enemies such as tumors. When the body is deprived it protects its’ vital organs and starves the enemies.
January 26, 2005  - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
I awoke at 3:30 a.m. feeling anxious and ended up taking an Excedrin PM and slept until 7 am. If that happens again tomorrow I’ll try doing exercises. Today the treatment was a little lighter. Edward remarked about the redness in my eyes and face. He suggested I go home and do some relaxation exercises such as casual walking and rest. I also learned it is ok to use organic ginger, garlic, green onions and brown rice vinegar. 
I met a Russian couple. I cannot remember their names. When I introduced myself to the husband he remarked  “you can’t get treatment anywhere in the world like here”. It turns out that when he started treatments he had a tumor the size of a grapefruit, a recent test showed the tumor had shrunk by 50%.
January 27, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
I am unable to sleep through the night. I am looking for ways to make my diet more appealing and not go outside the rules. The gallon of tea a day is difficult to get down. I was 16 oz short yesterday. At the clinic today getting a treatment was Mr. Wong, an old friend of Edward’s. They spoke in Chinese and seemed to enjoy the conversation. My treatment was vigorous. I don’t notice much change in my condition from day to day.
I still feel like my body is adjusting to the last reduction in Mirapex. I have bouts of anxiety and tension.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #120

Walnut Creek, CA
We went for my second treatment and it was more painful than the first. The actual sessions are 20 minutes but since he does not take appointments you may wait a while to see him. It is a good time to listen to the other patients stories and share mine. 
So far we have met Harriet, Ben & Susan. Susan was amazing. She had been going to Edward for many years and went through a treatment mostly smiling. I felt stronger than yesterday and was able to drive home. I noticed less tension in my shoulders and was able to sleep through the night except for one trip to the bathroom. I also cut my Myrapex to .75 mg two times a day with no ill effect.
January 23, 2005  - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
We went for my third treatment. It was the most painful yet. It was difficult to walk. Edward told me that I need to move more. He said, “Running water does not spoil”. 
We met Sandy and Jim. Jim was new like me and was having a difficult time. Sandy had been seeing Edward for a while and did much better. Edward showed me four exercises he wants me to do at least 30 reps of each daily. The exercises are: (1) Throwing the ball backwards, (2) Kicking the dog, (3) Lifting the heavens, (4) Seeing the heels. 
I performed them for the first time tonight. I feel like I’m talking a little clearer tonight.
January 24, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
I had a difficult episode in the middle of last night, around 1:30 a.m. I woke up ad felt very anxious -- like when I first started coming off Mirapex. After an hour of tossing and breathing exercises I took an Excedrin PM and slept until 8:30. I felt much better when I awoke. 
Today’s treatment was much less painful. Harriet was there and continues to have very difficult time. She has had 17 treatments and according to Edward is not being “brave”. So I decided to be brave and it seemed to work. The treatment took less time because I was not resisting. I’m hopeful that I have achieved some sort of break through. Time will tell.