After visiting Dr. Feng, my Dad took a new approach with a doctor who practices a balance of eastern and western medicine. Following are the notes from that first visit:
March 29, 2005 - Dad
Walnut Creek, CA
Dr Saputo, Notes
Review Kaiser approach: Medication, Mirapex
Original symptoms: loss of dexterity in left hand, loss of rhythm and timing. Subsequent loss of facial expression, stamina and strength, driving requires greater concentration, confusion in stressful situations
Review of environmental factors: tear gas in the Army. None others to speak of.
Review diet: very little beef, more chicken, fish, vegetables & rice. Dairy, cheese, ice cream and some milk.
Suggest doing a Western Blot screen for Lyme disease
IV glutathion: David Perlmutter
You can’t be sick if all your cells are healthy
Psycho/spiritual factors
Cell is a microscopic industrial plant with a job of producing energy, hormones and enzymes
Tests will hopefully show what’s wrong and what might be possible to do about the way the illness is progressing
Liver detoxification
Supplements which may slow or stop the progress of PD by neutralizing the free radicals that cause nerve deterioration; i.e.: folic acid, vitamin C, Coenzyme 210 (1200 mg daily).
You might think about doing what is called an intestinal permeability test. What this test measures is the size of the pores in the intestinal tract. If the pores are nice and small, the filter out large amounts of bacteria that shouldn’t get in the body. In fact, it prevents microbes that live in the intestine from getting through to the body. If those pores are too big, which they often are, then big molecules come in and whole bacteria which we call Lipopolysaccharide translocate across the intestine wall and into the body. Not a good scenario.
Because all this material comes in from the gut and goes to the liver before it gets into the blood stream it has to be detoxified. If you already have genetic defects of detoxification, which I’m going to bet you do, that could be enough to tip the balance.
Letting a lot of toxic substances get into your body can aggravate the Parkinson’s disease. It’s a cheap test, about $80. All you do is drink two sugars that your body can’t metabolize and you know the amounts that are there. Neither one of these sugars can be converted to other products, the body doesn’t have the enzymes to do it. One is a very small sugar called manatol, it should be actively transported from the intestinal tract inside the body because small sugars are actively transported so you are able to test the Intestinal tracks ability to bring things from the gut inside the body.
The second sugar is bigger and it cannot get across the intestinal track unless the pores are too big. You measure it through urine. It gives us a good idea about how to protect your livers toxic load. Nutritional medicine. Nutrition and doctors don’t seem to be in sync.
Another test is are cell membranes as healthy as they can be? If the cell membranes are unhealthy, then the substances have problem getting across it either in or out of a cell.
That’s bad because you can’t get the nutrients in or the toxins out very well. Look at the kinds of fats – main players. About 10 interest me in somebody who has Parkinson’s. You want the nerve cells and you want to slow down the rate of deterioration to those nerve membranes. You need adequate amounts of glutathyen. I thinks measuring glutathyen is important. It may be the most important antioxidant in your body. It protects against nerve cell degeneration.
Then heavy metals – another big factor in causing nerve damage. We want to look at how much lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury is in your body. The test pulls the mercury out of the fat tissues where its stored. Use a kelating substance. Can be remedied with kelation therapy. Use foods, simple chemicals. Might want to sent you to Richard Gracer who does a lot of this kind of work and get his opinion. These test will give you important clues as to what causes P.D..
I would consider as treatments CoEnzyme210 – 1200 mg per day, three divided doses. Be absolutely sure to take it with a meal. It will not absorb if you don’t have any fat in your meal, a couple of flax seed oil – l tbsp with breakfast, lunch and dinner to absorb it.
Lyfolic acid – 300 mg 3 times a day. Vitamin C – a lot. Taking it to bowel tolerance.
A mg of ----- and 800 international units of vitamin E.
First day tsp every 30 minutes until you get diarrhea then stop and total. Next day cut dosage by a third. Great antioxidant. It’ll pickle you. Divide dosage into 6 equal dosages a day.
There will be other things depending on the lab tests.
The red light has the potential to help you as well. Infrared. New one in two weeks.
Extremely powerful. May have a healing effect – it helps with nerve damage. Perhaps it will help the rigidity – but keep in mind its coming from the head. Could be acupuncture plus heat light – fascinating.
Half-hour appointment. Send the tests out to specialty labs. Review some of this information. And decide what might be appropriate to try. Takes about a month for the tests to come back.
This is a list of my daily intake of supplements at the maximum dosage when I experienced a loss of taste:
NAC 500 mg daily
Folinic Acid 10 mg daily
TMG 750 mg 3 x daily
Vitamin E 700 mg 2 x daily
L-Carnitine 250 mg 3 x daily
Vitamin B 12 500 mcg 2 x daily
Fish oil Capsule 8 x daily
Alpha Lipoic 300 mg 3 x daily
L-Arginine 500 mg daily
CoQ 10 1200 mg daily
Metachel 200 mg 3 x daily
Vitamin C 12000 mg daily
Flaxseed Oil 1000 mg 3 x daily
Custom Amino Acid* 1 tsp 2 x daily
Custom multivitamin 2 tsp daily
Zinc 50 mg daily
*Product of Metabolic Maintenance
Dr Knee bone:
Neural Terrain 20 drops 3 x daily
Brain Terrain 20 drops 3 x daily
Adrenal Terrain 20 drops 3 x daily