Annamaria:The next morning, we woke up in plenty of time to get to my flight. I had to go to work back in Vegas. After Bob dropped me off, I was going to call him to say “I love you”(from the terminal) and I realized I didn't have my cell phone! I left it in the hotel. Thank God I knew his cell number by heart. I went to call him. As I was trying to do so, I was being paged -- Bob was already there. I got to see him one more time (for another kiss). It was nice, but honestly not planned.
I had a great seat on the plane. My brother brought me McDonald’s when he picked me up. Then I went to work. I had Bob’s schedule on my wall and I’d cross off every day as it went by.
This morning was a little slow -- part of that because of the difficulty of saying good bye to Bella. She’s very happy and excited for me, Dad and this trip, but I know she’s sad about our time apart, too. I’m very fortunate to have a partner in my life who’s as loving and supportive as she is.
I’m trying to squeeze in some last-minute work in the first leg of this trip, script doctoring for a friend. I’m having some technical issues getting his script across and then even more trying to print it out! I don’t need the extra work load or headache, but the $300 for the work is something I do need as I’ll have ZERO income for the next two months. I’ve saved up enough to make this work (I hope). Of course, when I get back I will have exactly 0.00 in my bank account...
June 21, 2004
Van Horn, TX
We were slow getting out of Phoenix. Bob ran into difficulties with his printer. We had a very good Mexican lunch that Bob got donated. We were on the road by 2 p.m. We were delayed by a bad accident. I’m sure someone was injured or worse. We saw some dramatic weather including heavy rain, a twister that caused a dust storm and continuous strong winds.
We ate dinner at Domino’s in Las Cruces, New Mexico and decided to push on. When we were stopped at an inspection station near El Paso, the officer recommended we go another 30 miles to Van Horn. We found a Ramada that gave us a good rate at about 1:30 a.m.
Anaheim 10, Oakland 3
WP: J. Lackey (5-8) LP: R. Harden (3-5)
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