So I was just thinking, because we’re finishing up with the conference today...I came in feeling pretty angry with some things, disappointed in the way some things had gone. I was wrapped up in all my troubles -- should put that in quotes, “troubles”. I was feeling, not sorry for myself, but just kind of angry about my expectations not being met and whatnot. And then I come in and I meet these people and...man. Any problems I thought I had are gone. I’d be the most selfish ass hole in the world to hold on to anything I thought was significant when I see these people that have a disease that they are aware of to different levels and yet they’re smiling, they’re laughing, they’re having fun. They’re doing everything they can to embrace life. And I have to constantly remind myself when I get into ideas in my head that say “Things have to be perfect the way I want them” or whatever, that, you know what? Life isn’t perfect. It is what it is. It happens when it happens how it happens and the best I can hope for is to have subtle influence. Control is an absolute illusion and when I get caught up in trying to control something, I end up looking like an idiot. I am so thankful and so honored for this experience that I get these beautiful angels with reminders of the possibilities in life. Of what it is to be hapy. Because I believe that the core of life is happiness. It’s a choice to be happy or not. No matter, everybody’s got their stuff they’re dealing with: whether it’s a disease, financial problems, family problems, regardless of what anyone is going through, they always have a choice as to how they’re going to deal with it. And I have to put myself in that place of humility, be thankful and count my blessings -- not to sound too cliche’, but just say...I am blessed and I am thankful for everything because it all has a reason.
July 30th, 2004 - BOB
Chicago, IL
I'm not sure exactly where it happened, but I feel as if we really turned a corner. And the way the last 11 ball parks are lining up, that seems to be a supported belief by the universe.
Minnesota was definitely a low point for me. I felt like I wasn't being listened to by the organization and that this project which I (and so many others) have worked so hard on was still being treated (by the Twins organization, on this day, anyway) like an offer "they get so many others of".
The truth is this project is unique -- beautifully so. The proof will be in the documentary and I will let it lie there.
What I've started to notice, as I was looking at the schedule, is that light at the end of the tunnel feeling. Suddenly, there's not that far to go. Don't get me wrong -- we have some serious challenges yet in front of us. We're getting better at what we do, however (just in time for the end of the trip) and people are buying into what we're doing more and more.
The web site is almost perfectly up to date (amazing) and it reflects the number of awesome events we have coming up.
Suffice to say, though we're not out of the woods, I am breathing easier and happier. Many thanks to you all for your love and support.
Park Number 20 (of 30), Wrigley Field
Chicago Cubs 10, Philadelphia 7
WP: J. Leicester (3-0) LP: R. Cormier (4-5)
Tex 7, Oak 5
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