Thursday, November 3, 2011

Boys of Summer book Entry #82

100% proceeds go to the Michael J Fox Foundation. 

July 23, 2004 - DAD
Chicago, IL

I wake up at 6:30 and discover that our motel is in New Lisbon, Wisconsin which is on the way to Chicago. By 9 a.m. we are on the road. We arrive at Annamaria’s Uncle Tony and Aunt Joyce Tumea’s, who live in Donner’s Grove, thirty miles west of Chicago. After a brief hello and a very welcome pasta lunch, we are off to the White Sox game against the Tigers. It is Chicago’s first home game since the All-Star break, and everybody seems ready to celebrate.  They are having a "Rat Pack" night where entertainers are impersonating Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr.. The Sox beat the Tigers 6-4 and helped set up a festive atmosphere for the post game Sinatra concert and the best fireworks I have ever seen.

Despite a big crowd, we find it easy to get out of town and Bob has no problem finding his way to the Tumea’s. We take advantage of the opportunity and complete 3 loads of washing. 

July 23, 2004 - BOB
Chicago, IL

Last night -- or more like yesterday -- a war broke out in my head. It was a war of significant frustration because I was tired -- tired of doing other people’s jobs, tired of feeling like if I don’t watch over things, they go awry, tired because I simply didn’t have enough sleep.

I knew I was on the verge of a scream but I didn’t know when it was coming. I prayed for peace several times yesterday. Peace within my heart and soul that I might release some of this tension and allow for myself to have some fun.

My dad’s biggest concern for me on this trip was whether or not I’d be able to have fun. I am having fun - particularly when I step back and see the big picture.

I’m very, very glad for right now. I’m very glad for the lightness in my heart. I‘m very glad for the Mortensons and their sweetness. What wonderful people they are and what a needed tension-breaker the time with them on their beautiful lake was.

Today’s a new day -- a fresh page. The clouds are present, but not at all dominant. So what we can do? We can be strong -- I am strong and weak. I feel all, I live through the simple constant reminders of my person -- and within that, the Tao I am connected to.

“You have an expiration date -- trust Jesus” -- Columbus, IN

“” -- IL exit 198

“Terrorists love gun control, unarmed victims are their goal” -- IL exit 190

Park Number 16 (of 30), US Cellular Field
ChiSox 3, Cleveland 0
 WP: F. Garcia (8-8)   LP: C. Sabathia (6-5)

Tex 8, Oak 3

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