Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Boys of Summer Book - Entry #70

July 12, 2004 - DAD
Toronto, ONT
Paulette is not feeling well for the second day, it turns out she has some sort of flu that will probably last another day.  Hopefully, none of the rest of us will come down with it. I’m going to take a break from my journal and enjoy my time with the Payzant’s. See you on July 15th.
July 13, 2004 - BOB
Toronto, ONT
Today -- la manana. I’m kicking back in to game time mode after the all-star break! I’m ready to take on the challenges of the second half and there are plenty:
*Money situation: tight. We have enough to get us through about two weeks, I think, right now. 
*Detroit: Up in the air. Tickets are supposed to be available, but no confirmation.
*Tailgate in Detroit: A local group says they have about a dozen people ready to join us at a place called Belle Island before the game. After that, we can all convoy over to Comerica. 
*Beyond Detroit...more than I care to get into right now...
July 15, 2004 - DAD
Detroit, MI
We are packed and on the road by 7 a.m. thanks largely to a production meeting Bob had last night. We take a little while to get out of town because we need gas and a stop at Kinko’s. Once under way, it takes about 3 to 3 1/2 hours to reach the border, which we pass through with a minimum delay.  
We spend 3–4 hours at Kinko’s in downtown Detroit, followed by a pizza party at Belle Isle Park. That was a disappointment because of the no shows. We later learned that the person in charge had a medical emergency involving his mother. We visited Tiger Stadium, the past home of the Tiger’s. Bob and I had seen the start of a game in 1990 at old Tiger Stadium. Then we were off to Comerica Park, the dazzling new home of the Tigers.  
Tigers are everywhere. They may have gone a little overboard for baseball traditionalists, but the fans seem to enjoy it. The Tigers are out slugged by the Yankees, who scored 5 runs – all homers. We spend the night at a fellow Parkinsonian’s home, John Trudeau. 

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